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Welcome To Gyan Bharti Public School
Late Rajendra Roy proposed to establish a school before all the scholars and social reformers. The proposal was unanimously accepted. The question of nomenclature was immediately solved by picking up “Gyan Bharti Public School” which is the another name of “Minerva” herself from the entire suggested names. It was the first week of December 1973 when a handful scholars were to write a new history of Laxmisagar adding much beauty, excellence and merit to it under the presidentship of Pandit Tula Krishna Jha. The real dignity of a man lies not in what he has but in what he is. They were real heroes. Victory to education ! Glory to them !
Mission & Vision
Thankful are those who dreamt of light when clouds of darkness had been hovering over clouds of darkness. May they live long who put an earthen lamp in the severest cyclone!
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