About Us
The very auspicious day when “Gyan Bharti public school” came into form was the 28th of January 1974 i.e. the Shreepanchami of Magha Shuklapaxa. The premises of the school became a place of pilgrimage when it took its form before the ideal of “Minerva” in the midst of vedic mantras. The great “Muse” gave her spiritual support mutely, the scholars, moral support openly and the mohallians social support heartily. We celebrate this day with great pomp and show, every year.
The job of teaching started in the residence of Shri V.N. Kapari. Within a year it was brought to the mill-building of late Shiv Prasad where it continued upto the three long years. Small kindness, small courtesies and small considerations habitually practiced in our social intercourse give greater charm to the character than the display of great talents and accomplishments.
In a moment it is gone.
But there are a hundred ripples
Circling on and on and on.
Here, we can’t forget our ex-principals especially Pandit Uma Kant Thakur and our teachers who have been shedding their blood and sweat.
The mountains wear away, the stars retire.
Tsunami/Destruction lays earth’s mighty cities low.
And empires, states and dynasties expire.
But caught and handed onward by the wire.
Truth never dies.